Now, if you want to turn off all notifications on MS Edge browser, then follow the steps given below. Therefore, whichever web notifications you are receiving on your Edge browser were allowed by you. When web browsing with MS Edge, you will be shown a small pop-up banner asking for your permission to ‘Allow’ or ‘Deny’, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, to permit web notifications from that site. How to Disable All Notifications in Microsoft Edge In this tutorial, we will explain how to turn off Microsoft Edge notifications on PC in 2 minutes. Fortunately, most reputed browsers give you the option to collectively or selectively disable notifications from the websites. Therefore, if you have allowed web notifications in your web browser, then you must manage them at regular intervals to keep them under control.
Although this service can be highly useful for some websites, but it can be equally annoying if the number of incoming notifications is too much. Browser notification is a service that almost every website provides these days.