It's doubtful Ayano ever had a chance at a normal life, but if there ever was one, Ryoba knowingly robbed her of it. However, she's also actively trying to mold Ayano into her image and spent the latter's childhood slowly manipulating her into the murderous yandere we get to know in the game.
She genuinely loves Ayano, and to our knowledge, has never been violent, neglectful, or even cruel to her.
Also, she may or may not have influenced Yan-chan's behavior. Specifically, she kidnapped a senpai of her very own, gave him Stockholm Syndrome, married him and had a child, who is none other than Yan-chan. Although not appearing during Yan-chan's exploits, as she and her husband are out of town for those ten weeks, a great deal of the lore involves her. Voiced By: Michaela Laws, Lizzy Hofe (in 'A Childhood Lesson.')